Happiness is...

Listening to Ja Da mixing Broken Beat whilst sipping Champagne and arsing around with Chef, N-Type, Plasticman, Pokes and Aggro in the Sportswear section at Harrod's for the Truly Brit season.
I arsed around so much in fact that I actually ended up flat on my truly british, skinny tush after being merked by a 'sport' that involved a plank of wood on top of a ball. The idea was to apply the correct amount of pressure on each side of the board in order to stay upright, not to overly enthusiastically jump on it with a camera in hand feeling slightly light in head. Whilst the inevitable fall to the floor didn't actually hurt and only a few people witnessed it, I've woken up with dirty bruises that make my arse look like it was slapped by the plank of wood that I fell off. That said, I was determined to conquer the sport, game thing (that costs silly amounts of 'P' to own), and eventually managed to do so, albeit for a few seconds and with the aid of a handsome Harrod's chap who stood in front of me to make sure I didn't repeat my calamity.
N-Type's Urban Croquet game was slightly less perilous although a lot harder than it appears. The most amusing thing about it all was the graff that had been put up on the fences around the course with 'Speur's' Fayed merk inciting the most chuckles, not to mention a few raised eyebrows.
The event was also a chance to catch up on gossip... Ja Da's been flexing it at Plastic People's Co-op, a night that I've heard nothing but praise for yet still haven't managed to reach. N-Type's S.N.O E.P is now in the shops, and amongst other things, he's working on a remix of Shackleton's remix of Limb by Limb, a tune that's being rightfully rinsed at the moment and one that I've discovered sounds great in the car at 5am on the way to Gatwick. Plastic's also busy working away, and although I'm permitted from giving exact details, I can hint that he's working on something with one of the bigger Grime artists; a project that sounds particularly exciting.
Cheffle's also got plans to cook something up in the studio this winter, and judging by the company he's kept for all these years (Skreamz, Hatcha etc), and his love of Jungle, I can only predict good things.
Labels: music, music- dubstep, words
Amazing :)
Oh! I've been listening to nothing but the Co-Op 1Xtra recording from over at http://dubstep.blogspot.com . You should do the same! (though i'm guessing you already have).
About 40mins in they drop Afronaught 'GOLPE DURO CALINDA' which I bought the other day and also cant stop playing. It seems to be a moment of Broken Beats all around. About time! :)
I've really been getting into broken beat this year - Ja Da's Broken Session and this mix by ThinKing are played an awful lot at home. Great music to wake up to.
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