June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009


June 06, 2009


"It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now?"

Zach de La Rocha as quoted on CTRL-ALT-SHIFT

In the running for the best magazine on the web>

Visual, bold, direct, deep and contributer based>

Sign up, get involved >


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June 05, 2009

Currently Showing...


> A couple of music inspired photographs at the Jealous Gallery in Crouch End as part of the Presenting the Top 100 open submission art exhibition >


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June 04, 2009

Past life...

Sometimes I think I was meant to have been born in the 30's (although wearing red lipstick all day at work proves difficult). >

Beautiful colour photography from the library of congress photo archive from the Great Depression and World War II >



June 02, 2009


gnarly rhinoceros head

the wire

> "Georgie Flash Gunz" > Making pretty Barnes look dark and moody 

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