June 28, 2008


Melly and the Ostrich's

As Decks and the City's Melissa Bradshaw has pointed out in this recent blogpost, she and I went to Cyprus for the forthcoming Qvest Edition last week. Asides from some serious reportage on Napa's music scene and the history of the island (including some beef with neighbouring Turkey), we made friends on road with some BIG, BIG BIRDS (and I aint talking about the ones we saw downing fish bowls in Napa central).

Through an amazing performance involving movement of their big big wings and fluttering of their long ol' eye-lashes they silently explained their sadness at having BIG BIG WINGS but no ability to fly :( . *cry!* Poor Ostrich's, we feel your pain and your heartache... just rest in the knowledge that we will be bringing your story to human dancefloors this summer via the OSTRICH STEP, a sort-of progression of Benga's Chicken Step:

chicken step

Having been SO moved by the lovely Ostrich's, I am currently engaged in intensive studies in the movements of other creatures with useless limbs or vestigial organs... Coming soon to a club near you: The Blind Fish Astyanax Mexicanus Step, Whale-Step (based upon their hind leg bones which they cannot walk with) and The Human Tail Bone Waltz.

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my fellow south londoners

illustrations by Tom Humberstone

Another Drumz friend attempting to change our perceptions of the world, is Lower End Spasm's Dan Hancox (aka the preacher man due to the parallels between him and Nathan Barley's Dan Ashcroft character), who along with his artist buddy Tom Humberstone has admirably self-published a book of their quest to document the run-up to the U.S Presidential Election.

Having randomly bumped into Dan on Balham High Street today, I only just got my copy, but managed to get it signed as a reminder not to burn it this winter when I have no money to heat my flat because of the credit crunch. Jokes. Thanks to the longness of the 249 bus to Palace on a Saturday I've read a few chapters already and can confidentally recommend it to anyone interested in U.S politics or simply, the musings of 2 funny young blokes from London on what sounds like a very, interesting, comical and slightly terrifying adventure. Failing that, it also falls into the much loved category of 'Book with Pictures,' with Humberstone's beautiful illustrations giving it an unbelievably graphic novel quality. Much respect to Dan and Tom for ingenuity and creativity.

To BUY the book and/or read the blog which led to the creation of the book go to:


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Solidified Memories

Update on the where and what abouts of long time Drumz photographer friend Boris Austin; For the past year, he's been in China as part of an MA in documentary photography, resulting in an indepth exploration into a town called Dalian which like the rest of the country is being affected by the forthcoming Beijing Olympics. Boris sent me an email following the private view of the Fresh Faced and Wild Eyed' Exhibition at the Photographer's Gallery, in which has been selected as one of the winners. For those interested in China and censorship, read on. Good luck with the visa Boz.

"If you went to the private view last night unfortunately of course my book wasn't there. I did try but this is because is really hard to send anything even remotely sensitive out of China and all material is being rigorously checked by hand. Im sitting here in a cafe in Hong Kong waiting for my visa which is due monday. I might not get it however and might be forced to come home as i think the authorities have their eye on me at the moment. This week just as ive published my book project to the internet and had an exhibition in Dalian and a lot of Chinese people have been talking about the project and photos in forums online. By the end of the week the Chinese government blocked not only my site but every site on my server. This means that anyone in mainland china cant now see the project not even me but you guys out there still can.

Its been a long time coming and so here it is, this is what i've been doing the last few months, living with these people hearing their stories and documenting as best as i can.

Heres the link www.borisaustin.com/solidifiedmemories ( you might have to scroll down to read the captions )

To very briefly explain...

In my MA thesis for the project i tried to illustrated that the publics perception of Dalian (see attached photo) is distorted. Dalian is being paraded as "the pride of China" for its living conditions and footage of this city is associated with the Olympics as a way of "advertising" Chinas urban development. In reality however Chinas has a drastically different “protocol” in news reporting in which “many "sensitive"” issues are censored. This gave me the desire to create a balance, to document and show what is hidden.

However people might see it, in part i wanted to tell an intimate story about the people who live there and the lives that they lead, something that wouldn't have otherwise happened in China.
Considering that my project and site have just been censored i feel now more than ever that i want to get this story out to as many people as possible so please forward to anyone you think may be interested either for publishing or simply viewing.

Hope your well.

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June 26, 2008


HIP HIP HOORAY WE'RE MOVING TO FRIDAY! Must be doing something right...






Huge thanks to all the dj's and mc's that passed through the last d.o.t.s, particularly Cotti, Ashman and Slickman who took the party to the next level.

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Wiki Cook

I'm obviously very important *chuckle*, a Wikipedia article has appeared under my name and lo and behold i neither asked for it nor wrote it myself... (cheers Ken!).



June 18, 2008

Ooh! I'm a woman in dubstep apparently!


"i'm jus doing the dishes luv"


I firmly believe that if an individual makes an issue of an aspect of their identity which really shouldn't be an issue, then it will become one, a point which I attempted to make clear to Time Out's music writer, Kate Hutchinson, who penned this very interesting article on the subject of 'Women in Dubstep.' This belief, coupled with the 'dubstep' tag which 5 years later, I'm still at odds with (not cos of it's etymology but cos in general, I still hate labelling), made it fairly difficult for me to comment on the subject. Whilst being female (whatever that means outside of lady bumps and the ability to give birth) has never been a problem for me where music is concerned, the mere fact that Time Out chose to focus on it, indicates that it's still a contentious issue.

Whilst there are a number of females involved behind the scenes or on the mic- Sarah Souljah, Letty, Melissa, Hera, Hanna, Emma W, Warrior Queen, Arorah, Farrah to name but a few, there are still very few girl DJs and fewer girl producers. Unlike Kate though, I'm not perplexed by this fact and agree that it is largely due to the young age of Dubstep. Additionally, I suspect that us girls aren't conditioned to fiddle with machines as quite as boys are, meaning that it's not that we don't know how to use machines but that we're less likely to be encouraged to do so from an early age. Furthermore, the lack of women making electronic music in general doesn't exactly make for a sociable activity for the few that do- if you're the kind of girl that likes to make beats and also likes to hang out with other girls, chances are, you're in for a bit of a lonely existence.

Another factor that I believe plays a part is that most women are seemingly more interested in making and communicating the bigger picture, bringing people and ideas together (exemplified by Mary Anne), then the narrow one, such as the single tune or bass sound.

Clearly, there are exceptions to my proposed norms and hopefully oneday, the exception will be the norm. Where dubstep is concerned at least, the few women that are involved in any way are accepted just as much as the guys and on the whole, dubstep is a scene in which equality is never a factor, rendering the question, 'is it just a boys club?' futile.

As for the question of whether girls make a different style of music to men, I'd be hard pressed to find someone who'd be able to guess immediately on hearing a Subeena, Dot or Ikonika the sex of the producer. Similarly, people have often commented that Burial's tunes sound feminine, which always makes me giggle cos at the end of the day what exactly is it that defines the gender of a tune? If feminine tunes are those with female vocals or a soulful flava, then Mala, Geiom, D1 and Anti-Social are a bunch of lasses alongside approx 50percent of electronic music producers . Equally, if masculine tunes are signified by heavy bass, darkness, square/jagged sounds, male MC's and loudness, then gimme me a razor and call me George (errrrm) cos I love 'em.

Like I said to Kate, if you think it's a boys club now, you wanna see what it was like in the early days, when the the demographic of FWD>> (despite being run by a woman) consisted largely of:

young blokes standing around looking moody and nodding their heads


young blokes prancing around waving their hands about.

If you're new to the dancefloor these days, you'll find just as many women standing around looking moody and nodding their heads or prancing around waving their hands around. If you're new to decks or music software, don't watch whether you're male, female, hermaphrodite, black, white, yellow, tiny or giant, just focus on the music and the rest will come good innit. And if you're a woman looking for a fight with blokes, go and get a job in the square mile or something, cos you aint gonna find one in most underground music scenes.

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Don't panic - georgie wants ur vote :)

If you like this image and would like to stick it to a surface in ur home, please vote for it to be used in the 'Science' issue of Don't Panic. Voting ends on the 27th June

See here: http://www.dontpaniconline.com/designaposter/entry/index.php?id=3458

The image is a variation of a Polaroid experiment carried out a few months ago, hopefully you can work it out!

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June 01, 2008

steppa's delight


big up's to emma warren and souljazz for compiling a wicked compilation of new and older sounds from the world of dubstep. Ikonika's 'Please,' Loefah's remix of Search n Destroy's 'Candyfloss,' Shackleton's 'Blood on My hands,'Geiom Feat Marita — 'Reminissin,' are just some of the stand-out tracks for me. Check the inside booklet and sleeve for some of my photos.


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next dots!

d.o.t.s june 5th

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